Tag Archives: Yocheved

The Concealment of Mashiach

‘The Finding of Moses’ by Gustav Doré

This week we begin reading the second book of the Torah, Shemot, and the account of the Exodus. Yocheved gives birth to a baby boy, “and when she saw how good [tov] he was, she hid him for three months.” (Exodus 2:2) Based on this, the Talmud explains that Yocheved named her baby “Tov” or “Tuviah” (Sotah 12a). The Talmud adds that she “saw” that he was good because the entire room filled with light when he was born, and that he was actually born without a foreskin, just as Adam was originally created. Yocheved hid the baby from the authorities for three months, and when “she could hide him no longer, she got a wicker basket for him…” (Exodus 2:3) The daughter of Pharaoh discovers him in the Nile and calls him “Moshe”, Moses.

The fact that baby Moses was concealed for three months is significant. The Sages teach that just as the First Redeemer (Moses) was concealed for a period of time, so too the Final Redeemer (Mashiach) will be concealed. The Midrash (Bamidbar Rabbah 11:2) explains:

How long was he concealed from them? Rabbi Tanhuma said: Three months; as it is written: “They encountered Moses and Aaron…” (Exodus 5:20). The Final Redeemer, too, will appear to them and will then be concealed from them. How long will he be concealed from them? Rabbi Tanhuma said in the name of Rabbi Hama ben Rabbi Hoshaya: Forty-five days. That is what is written: “From the time of the abolishing of the daily offering and the setting up of the abomination of desolation there will be one thousand two hundred and ninety days” (Daniel 12:11), and it is written: “Happy is one who waits, and reaches one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days” (Daniel 12:12). How many are these extra days? They are the forty-five days that he will be concealed from them and will then reappear to them.

Rabbi Tanhuma states that Moses was concealed for three months—not those three months as a baby when he was born, but rather after his return to Egypt around age 80. Apparently, three months had elapsed between the time Moses first returned to Egypt and revealed himself to be God’s chosen one (and first appeared before Pharaoh, Exodus 5), and the second time he appeared before Pharaoh and turned his staff into a serpent (Exodus 7). During these three months, Moses was “concealed” and the Israelites were perplexed.

Rabbi Tanhuma continues to suggest that when it comes to the Final Redeemer, the period of concealment will not be three months as was with the First Redeemer, but rather 45 days (approximately half the time). This is based on a famous verse in the Book of Daniel. Rashi (Rabbi Shlomo Itzchaki, 1040-1105) comments on that same verse (Daniel 12:12) and expands the 45 days to 45 years. This is because Daniel’s “days” are indeed often interpreted as years, and the 1290 years play an important role in later texts. In fact, the Zohar was published specifically in the year 1290 CE, and the reason it was published then after so many centuries in hidden manuscripts is partly connected to Daniel’s 1290 years. (For lots more on this, see ‘When & Why Was the Zohar Published?’ in Volume Three of Garments of Light. See also the recent class on ‘The Spiritual Significance of 2025.’) Interestingly, in its exploration of this week’s parasha, the Zohar (II, 8b) suggests that Mashiach’s concealment will not have a duration of years, but rather 40 days, followed by another period of 30 days, for a total of 70 days. We therefore seem to have three possibilities: a concealment of 45 days (Midrash), or 70 days (Zohar), or as much as 45 years (Rashi). Continue reading

The Heavenly Academies

This week’s parasha (in the diaspora) is Shlach, recounting the Sin of the Spies. When God subsequently punished the Israelites for their lack of faith, He said of that generation: “in this wilderness they will end, and there they will die.” (Numbers 14:35). The Zohar (III, 161b) explains that they died there in the wilderness, but not in the afterlife, meaning they did still merit to enter the supernal Garden of Eden. The Zohar further points out that the Torah specifically states their “corpses shall fall in this wilderness” (Numbers 14:32). The use of the word “corpses” serves to teach us that only their physical bodies—not their souls—would fall. God would destroy the evil inclination that ensnared their bodies into sin. The souls, however, would ultimately ascend to Heaven.

Following this, the Zohar takes us on a long journey exploring the Heavenly Academies. One such yeshiva is presided over by Betzalel, the craftsman who put together the Mishkan. There is an academy of the Sages of the Mishnah, and another academy for the “masters of Scripture” (מָארֵי מִקְרָא), a place devoted to the study of Tanakh. Higher than these is the academy for the study of Aggadah (ie. Midrash), and the Zohar makes sure to point out that these luminous Aggadists are the ones who truly understand the Torah properly. (Intriguingly, the Zohar does not seem to describe an academy for the study of Talmud!)

Higher still is the yeshiva of Aaron, called the Yeshiva of Love (מְתִיבְתָּא דִּרְחִימוּתָא). Aaron leads his students through the Heavens, and they fly around “like eagles”. Aaron visits an even more exclusive academy, the yeshiva of Moses, called the Yeshiva of Light (מְתִיבְתָּא דִּנְהוֹרָא). Aaron’s students have to wait outside since only Aaron is allowed to enter, as well as any individuals Moses calls by name. Just like he did on Earth, up in his academy Moses is still wearing his special veil, his face being too luminous to behold. Even higher than this academy is the Yeshiva of the Firmament (מְתִיבְתָּא דִּרְקִיעָא), presumably presided over by the angelic Metatron.

Several pages later, the Zohar (III, 167b) tells us about the academies (“palaces”) of women. First is the school of Batya, the daughter of Pharaoh who adopted Moses. There are thousands of righteous women there learning with her. They learn “what they did not merit to learn in this world” since, until recent history, women were not expected to learn Torah. Meanwhile, there are many more thousands of female souls learning with Serach, the daughter of Asher (for more on her, see ‘The Incredible Story of Serach bat Asher’ in Garments of Light, Volume One). Here they focus on learning the secrets of the Torah’s mitzvahs, and the deeper reasons for the commandments.

The third female academy is full of myriads of women, and they don’t seem to do much learning here but rather spend their time in meditation, song, and praising God, alongside many angels. The leader here is Yocheved, mother of Moses. Opposite her academy is a similar palace belonging to Deborah the Judge and Prophetess. She, too, leads the women in song and prayer. In addition to these, there are four palaces that are concealed, belonging to each of the four Matriarchs. These are called the “palaces of the trusting daughters” (הֵיכָלִין דְּבָנוֹת בּוֹטְחוֹת), but they are too lofty to be described.

The Zohar does divulge a deep secret here. While during the day the male and female souls are segregated in their various academies and palaces, the soulmates do reunite at night:

Every night they get together, since the time of coupling is at midnight, both in this world and that world. The coupling of that world is accomplished by the adherence of one soul to the other, light with light. The coupling in this world is body to body. Everything is as it should be: a kind with its kind, a match with its match, body to body; and in the other world, it is light with light… The union in that world produces more fruit than the coupling in this world. When they pair up in the pairing in that world, with their unified desire, and when the souls cling one to another, they produce fruit. And lights emerge and lamps are produced. These are the souls of those that convert…

The souls of Jewish converts are produced from the spiritual unions of the righteous souls above!

Going back to our parasha, the Zohar tells us that despite what we might read in the Torah, the generation of the Exodus and the Wilderness was indeed a very righteous one. The Zohar (III, 168b) says there will never be another generation as worthy as they until the coming of Mashiach. And at that time, the Wilderness generation will merit to be the first to rise in the Resurrection of the Dead. May we merit to see it soon.

The above essay is an excerpt from Garments of Light, Volume Three.
Get the book here! 

Greatest Women in Tanakh

In this week’s parasha, Pinchas, we read about the righteous daughters of Tzelofchad. Recall that the five daughters (Machlah, Noa, Haglah, Milkah, and Tirzah) had no male siblings, and their father had passed away, so they inquired about their inheritance. Are daughters allowed to inherit? It might sound like a straight-forward “yes”, but it was much more complicated in ancient Israel. Continue reading