Tag Archives: Samuel

The Tribe of Ephraim

Who was the Biblical Ephraim and why did he merit to become the most powerful tribe in ancient Israel? Find out in this class as we take a journey through Ephraim’s past, present, and future. Along the way, we uncover the fascinating stories of the great Ephraimite Judges and Kings of the Holy Land (including Joshua, Deborah, and Samuel) and explore who might be the descendants of the Ephraimites today. Plus: Why does the Tanakh connect Ephraim to Amalek? Is the Messiah supposed to be a Judean or an Ephraimite (or both)? And has the prophecy of Ezekiel 37 been fulfilled in our days?

See also ‘The Truth About the Lost Tribes of Israel’.
For more on the spiritual significance of iron, see ‘Israel and the Iron Age’.

Graves of Tzadikim

Where was the original Tomb of Joseph, and the burial place of Moses? What’s so special about the Tomb of Rachel and the Cave of the Patriarchs? And what is the correct approach to visiting the graves of holy people? Find out in this class as we take a trip through Tanakh, Talmud, and Zohar to explore the graves of tzadikim. Plus: What are the true origins of Halloween? How will the Resurrection of the Dead at the End of Days be accomplished? And who was Caleb in a past life?

For the essay on Joseph and Yuya, see here.
For more on the origins of Halloween, see here.
Please see also ‘The Incredible History & Absurd Politics of Rachel’s Tomb’.

The Coming Solar Eclipse

What might the upcoming total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024 mean for the world? What is the spiritual significance of solar and lunar eclipses? And how do we reconcile the notion that eclipses are signs from Heaven with the scientific understanding that eclipses are natural and easily predictable long in advance?

Find out in this class, where we also explore the symbolism of sun and moon in Judaism, the mysterious Antikythera Mechanism, the numerological meaning of the number 30, and conclude with the little-known prophecies of Yoel – and what they might have to do with what’s going in in Israel and the world today.

For more on ‘The Kabbalah of Solar’, see here.
For more on reciting blessings on natural phenomena, see here.
And download a free handy PDF ‘blessings companion’ here.