Tag Archives: Prophecy

Apocrypha, Part 1: Understanding Tanakh

Join us as we embark on a journey exploring the Sifrei Hitzonim (“Apocrypha”), the ancient texts that were deliberately suppressed and excluded from the Tanakh. In this first part of the series, we explore who wrote the Tanakh, how it was compiled, and what criteria were used in its canonization. We also take a look at why some Biblical books almost didn’t make the cut.

Along the way, we discuss whether the Book of Daniel is truly prophetic or not, why some sought to “cancel” the Book of Ezekiel, the surprising apocryphal Book of Esther, and why Shir haShirim is so graphic and explicit.

For the class on the four Sages who ascended to Heaven and saw Metatron, see here.

For a class on the secret of chashmal, the “electricity” of the Divine Chariot, see here.

For more on the translation of the Tanakh into Greek and why it was tragic, see here

For more on the Dome of the Rock and the Foundation Stone, see here.

1909: Start of the Redemption?

Was the year 1909 secretly prophesied by the prophet Isaiah as the start of the Era of Redemption?

The video above is excerpted from the full-length class available here.
For more information and a written summary, please see here.
See also ‘A Secret History of Zionism‘.
For more on Don Joseph Nasi, who tried to re-establish a Jewish state in the 1500s, see here.

Why Did Muslims Rule the Holy Land for 1300 Years?

The Islamic Caliphate conquered Jerusalem and the Holy Land in 638 CE. With minor exceptions, various Muslim powers continued to dominate the land for the next 1300 years, until the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. What is the deeper spiritual reason for this? Why did Muslims, the descendants of the Biblical Ishmael, merit to hold onto God’s Land for 13 centuries? Hear the Zohar’s surprising prophetic answer in this short video:

This video is an excerpt from ‘Did the Talmud Predict Today’s Crisis in Israel?’

For ‘Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict in 5 Easy Points’, see here.