Tag Archives: Kabbalah

Erev Rav (Video)

Who is the Erev Rav, the “Mixed Multitude”, first mentioned in Exodus? How do they return and manifest in every generation? And why are they locked in a cosmic battle with Moses that spans all of human history? Find out in this class as we being to explore the mysterious and dangerous Erev Rav phenomenon, and what we can do to defeat this ideology—which the Zohar says is a necessary precursor to the Final Redemption and the forthcoming Messianic Age.

For a written summary and lots more information, see here.
For the previous class that explored the Erev Rav’s connection to the Tree of Knowledge, see ‘Queen Esther’s Kabbalah’.
For more on the “quantum brain” theory and a scientific explanation for reincarnation, see here.

Things You Didn’t Know About the Arizal

Last Friday, the fifth of Av, was the yahrzeit of the great Ari HaKadosh or Arizal, “The Holy Lion of Blessed Memory”, Rabbi Itzchak Luria (1534-1572). Few have had as monumental an impact on Judaism as the Arizal. Despite being an educator for only a couple of years, and passing away at the young age of 37 or 38, his teachings shaped the course of Jewish history for the next five centuries, until the present. Who was the Arizal, what did he reveal, and why was he so influential? Continue reading

The Intersection of Science and Mysticism

Dear Friends,

Back in February I was invited to speak with Eli Nash on his In Search of More podcast. We discussed everything from Torah and science to Kabbalah, kashrut, conversion, and major issues currently plaguing the Jewish world. See the full interview here: