Tag Archives: Astrology

A Kabbalistic History of the World

Does the first chapter of Genesis secretly allude to the major events in the history of mankind? How do the Six Days of Creation parallel the past six thousand years of human civilization? Find out in this class where we review the key developments of history through the lens of Torah, Talmud, and Kabbalah, and take a peek into what’s to come in the long-awaited seventh millennium. Also: does AI have anything to do with the forthcoming Messianic Age?

For more on the Sefirot and ‘Fundamentals of Kabbalah’, see here.
For the specific colours associated with the Sefirot, see here.
For ‘Astrology and Astronomy in Judaism’, see here.

The Truth About the Lost Tribes of Israel

What is the spiritual significance of the Twelve Tribes of Israel? Where did the notion of Ten Lost Tribes come from? Do the Lost Tribes exist somewhere today? What really happened to the ancient Israelites? Find out in this class where we also explore the “Apocalypse of Ezra”, the ancient history of Jerusalem, the strange case of David Reubeni, and when exactly “Judaism” became a religion.

For a written summary with sources and lots more information, please see here.

For the stones, symbols, and flags of the Tribes of Israel, see here.

For the videos on Astrology & Astronomy in Judaism, see here.

For the essay ‘Purim: the First Jewish Holiday’, see Volume One of Garments of Light, available here.

Do You Have Free Will?

Is everything predetermined or does a person have complete free will? Are we truly in control of our lives, or is it our spiritual and genetic predispositions? Find out in this class where we also discuss time travel and the “grandfather paradox”, nature vs. nurture, and if there is a “religion gene” that makes some people have more faith.

For more, see ‘Time, Gravity, and Free Will‘.
See also ‘Time Travel in the Torah‘.