Tag Archives: Adam and Eve

Four Holy Cities of Judaism (Video)

What are the origins of the four holiest cities in Israel? What is the deeper mystical meaning behind them? How do they correspond to the Heavens, the primordial elements, and the fundamental forces of the universe? Find out in this eye-opening class as we explore the inner dimensions of Jerusalem, Hebron, Safed, and Tiberias. Plus: what and where is the immortal city of Luz? What is its connection to the mysterious pineal gland? How did God create Eve? And what can we do to bring about the Final Redemption?

For a written summary and more information on the holy cities, see here.
For more on the techelet blue dye, see here.

Secrets of the Jewish Calendar

Today we welcome the new month of Kislev. It is well-known that the months of the Hebrew year parallel the Tribes of Israel and the zodiacal constellations. According to Sefer Yetzirah, each month also embodies one of twelve fundamental aspects of humanity and life: sight, sound, smell, speech, taste, touch, action, motion, temper, joy, thought, and sleep (ראיה, שמיעה, ריחה, שיחה, לעיטה, תשמיש, מעשה, הלוך, רוגז, שחוק, הרהור, שינה). Each of these further corresponds to twelve main parts and organs of the human body, and actually emerges at their core from the twelve “elemental” letters of the Hebrew alphabet, as well as the twelve permutations of God’s Ineffable Name. Recall that Sefer Yetzirah divides up the alphabet into three categories: “mother” letters, “doubled” letters, and “elemental” or “simple” letters (for more on these, see here). Continue reading

Graves of Tzadikim

Where was the original Tomb of Joseph, and the burial place of Moses? What’s so special about the Tomb of Rachel and the Cave of the Patriarchs? And what is the correct approach to visiting the graves of holy people? Find out in this class as we take a trip through Tanakh, Talmud, and Zohar to explore the graves of tzadikim. Plus: What are the true origins of Halloween? How will the Resurrection of the Dead at the End of Days be accomplished? And who was Caleb in a past life?

For the essay on Joseph and Yuya, see here.
For more on the origins of Halloween, see here.
Please see also ‘The Incredible History & Absurd Politics of Rachel’s Tomb’.